The first of the expedition gear arrives!

A major aspect of our expedition is making comparisons to Mawson’s venture a century ago. This isn’t just about looking at the scientific data collected a hundred years ago; we also want to explore how the clothing and equipment used by the intrepid scientists of yesterday stacks up against modern gear. Side by side, does today’s kit really stand out as state-of-the-art? Having teams take observations with antique tools and in Edwardian garb will make a fascinating comparison. As a result, one of the first orders we made was for reproductions of the gear used by the original expedition. 

Mat and I trying on the Edwardian clothing: eat your heart out Paris!

Fittingly, it was the replica equipment that was the first of the AAE orders to turn up at the University of New South Wales this week. On a blustery Sydney afternoon, a three-metre long wooden crate arrived from UK polar equipment company, Snowsled. We couldn’t wait to see the first of our purchases. In spite of the threat of rain, we unpacked the case out on the docking bay. Inside we found a tent, clothing and boxes, all beautifully recreated in the style of a nearly forgotten age. The following few photographs give you just a little taste of what the gear looks like. Needless we say, we just had to try some of it out...

The first delivery

The team cracks into the crate

New proud owners  

Being filmed by ABC Lateline

All the equipment on display


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